Such a beautiful piece written from the heart. And it’s rare to have the courage to face the politics of ancestry you may not agree with. ❤️

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Thanks so much for your tangible words which touched my heart so deeply.

The shared space of non judgement is itself so healing as words can muddy the waters of deep trauma. We are deeply aware that we can go crazy alone if we go to certain spaces of our psyche (and so shut down as protection) and only an open heart with another human presence, not words, bridges such a chasm.

In the spiral of time and space, for each other we can be there as you so beautifully worded.

Only together can we hold the enormity of confusion and ignorance as they seem so far from where we dream to be.

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Esta entrada me recuerda, la valentía que requiere escribir. Me inspira a recoger el formato del diario alguna vez. Cualquier recuerdo parece más dulce en esa distancia de la escritura. Gracias por mostrármelo de nuevo🌹

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The interconnectedness of two conflicted sides is familiar to us in UK from Northern Ireland where the roots of conflict are still growing in people, sometimes consciously and sometimes unconsciously. I have been praying about this mingled anguish for a while, as it afflicts both our countries and is likely to still do so for some generations to come. One of my old clients was the daughter of a secret policeman and she fled away to avoid living in that toxic soup. Mayyou and your dear grandmother be comforted.

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